We have been back from California going on 2 weeks now.
I am dreaming of the West Coast, Redwood forests and the moody Pacific nightly.
I think I may be in love...
With that said, I still haven't finished sorting through and editing the 1300+ photos I took while there and have since felt a bit overwhelmed about what to even share.
I also must admit that I am feeling a bit underwhelmed about being back.
I live in am absolutely gorgeous area, but am feeling a bit of wanderlust and like I didn't get enough of the magic while I was on the other coast, leaving something to be desired now that I am back.
Slowly, though, I am finding those moments.
The shimmers of light caught out of my peripheral.
The golden and fiery fields.
The moments that grab at my heart strings.
I like those moments.
I feel like my heart expands.
I can feel the energy swirling and swelling, like now I use it to breathe in place of my lungs.
Do you know that feeling?