Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Crazy Brave

"East is the directions of beginnings. It is sunrise.
When beloved Sun rises, it is an entrance, a door to fresh knowledge.
Breathe in the light. Call upon the assistance you need for the day.
Give thanks.
East is how the plants, animals, and other beings orient themselves for beginnings, to open and blossom.
The spirit of the day emerges from the sunrise point."

-Joy Harjo

I can't quite remember where I saw that someone suggesting to read this book (was in you, Prairie Girl?), but so far I am entranced with how Joy Harjo speaks and shares her stories.
Her words are stories, are wisdom brought through her from the divine, the collective, but they are her words.
She sees beyond this existance and merges spirit and soul with earthly being.

"Because music is a language that lives in the spiritual realms, we can hear it, we can notate it and create it, but we cannot hold it in our hands"

So beautiful, I can feel her deep connection and passion for the stories she is sharing in this book.
I am eager to read on!

What books have you been reading lately?

I have to admit, I don't read as much as I would like to.
It has taken me a long time to even like reading because I start off very slowly and have a hard time settling in. I don't even really know what I like to read, I guess it all depends.
I go by word of mouth when choosing books since I find the book descriptions utterly useless.
I am, however, headed out to pick up this one at the library.
(Suggestions are also welcomed!)


  1. Listen. While you're at the library, grab this one off the shelf as well.
    THE FOREST LOVER by Susan Vreeland.
    You ARE the forest lover. And the character in the book is an artist!
    (A fictional Emily Carr. The famous painter from BC. Her art was of totem poles and ravens and stuff!).
    I'm reading it now. It's magical. Really!
    Ps: I'm interested in Joy Harjo but haven't read any yet.
    Probably the Plume. ;)

  2. Seems to be magical, the book which you are describing, I will try and find it some point.
    I am reading "The Optimized Woman
    Using the menstrual cycle to achieve success and fulfillment"
    By Miranda Gray, it's quite interesting.

    Have a nice day!!

    Lluisa x

  3. Lynn, I will check out that book! I can't wait, it sounds wonderful! It probably was the plume who suggested Crazy Brave...

    Lluisa, that sounds like a powerful book and quite interesting! let me know how you like it when you are done!
