Wednesday, February 23, 2011

funk and nature

funk and nature, originally uploaded by Little Owl Arts.

i have been in a bit of a funk lately. you know that feeling of excitement and accomplisment when you have projects worth spending your time on? well, i seem to be lacking that feeling and i will tell you, it is a bit disheartening and slightly depressing. as i sat this morning, trying to get my creative energy up and going, i decided to go for a walk instead. always inspired by the beauty and intricacy of nature, i thought it might give me a boost. well i haven't gotten very far as of yet, but just stepping onto the path and crossing the little stream, i notived this spagnum moss in the midst of the trickle. oh nature, how i love thee!
merry day to you all!


  1. I have been feeling the same lately. Maybe I should go for a walk.

  2. Ugh!!!! I am SO sorry to hear that you have been feeling so horrible lately, and I am sure that not receiving your swap package from me does not help! I promise that I am never this horrible with swaps and I feel so horrible darling girl for seeming so mean and like I don't care, but I do and your package is on it's way!

    Feel better sweet girl!!

    P.S. I did receive your lovely package and loved everything!! Miguelito loved his new drawing notebook and the seashells and feather - he took it from me :)

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I will be posting about it on my blog )

    Gracias sweetie!!!

    Kary xoxo
