Saturday, March 24, 2012
Music and good company
We went out last night with some friends to one of the local restaurants/bars only to remember that the band playing was another friends side project!
Man, can this girl sing.
Not to mention that she is so engaging to watch perform!
The guy playing the guitar is my boyfriends sister's boyfriend (did you follow that!?!) and he is amazing on the guitar. He hopped up with them for a few songs since he and sarah (singer) sing are in a funk band together. So a side note: if you are local (or even if your not) you should check out the Big Ol' Dirty Bucket, you will dance the whole time!
Anyway, it was a great night, even though this isn't a great photo and you can't see the rest of the band or the crowd of people...
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
thank you for the sweet birthday wishes
for the wonderful drawingletter,
it actually came in my mailbox on my birthday!
it was such a nice surprise, made me happyhappy
: )))))
hope you are having sunny springdays,