Thursday, May 27, 2010

I'm tired and I got to hold a duckling!

ah, I am so tired.
we have been packing and getting ready to leave tomorrow for a festival in western mass.
and i am totally pooped.

I did get to hold a little baby ducky today though...

there were 2 babies trying to get up a little wall to their momma ducky so i tried to help them up
let me just say, man those ducklings can run!
anyways, one found a way up on its own and the other one I helped.
highlight of my day!
it was soooooooooooooo cute!!!
i want ducks.
end of story!

ok, too tired to even really explain or express the amount of emotion today...
have a good weekend,
see you all on sunday... or monday... depending on how tired i am after the fest.


1 comment:

  1. dicklings seriously are too cute for words! in the spring they have duck, chicken and turkey chicks at a farm store, and while i don't go there to buy farm stuff, i always go there to hold the little chickies!

    yesterday evening a fledgling bluebird flew into our den window (and as hard as he hit, i knew he would be dead when i went outside. he was still alive, but in shock, so i picked him up and brought him inside to put him in a small box in a quiet, darm room to keep him still and let him calm down. it didn't take too long before he was back to normal so i carried him back outside. he was softer than silk, and even though i know he was terrified of me, i loved him so much! mark bittner said it's a heavenly thing to be able to touch a bird, and i can't agree more!
