Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's a hot one!

It's a hot one today (finally!)
I think a visit to the beach and a submersion in the ocean might be in order...
Stay cool!!!

I feel like I have really been slacking on posting here, but I guess that just means I have been having loads of fun.... Right?!?

Anyway, my apologies for my absence.

So my fair/market season has begun. I am so happy to be doing the Beverly farmers' market again this year on Monday's. If you live in the area, you should come visit! It is a great market with so many wonderful vendors!!!
Also, I have some new jewelry for sale. I haven't been focusing on jewelry much in the last few years, but I am really excited about these new necklaces I have been creating. I will have to post photo's for you soon!

I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful weekend, and happy father's day you all you papa's out there!

With love...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


The days have been a bit gloomy lately.
But there is always time for a little fun and it was still nice enough for a walk on my favorite beach last week while Nate was on vacation...

Although, this is what I wish it was like:
(in the photos above, we are standing all the way over by the lighthouse pictured in the corner below)

I hope you all have been up to wonderful things!
