Thursday, September 29, 2011

feeling it in my core: part 1

(via resurrection fern)

(via The Life and Times of the Plume)

(via vähän vinoon: MATERIA)

(via vähän vinoon)

chasingthegreenfaerie:  Fungal Drums by alkanphel on Flickr.
sources via tumblr

nature, form, color, texture...
These are some of the things pulling at my heart strings today.
The richness of a simple life,
feeling fall in my core.

What is inspiring you today?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It's that time of year again
Where things get still...
...and quiet.

The nights are cool,
Morning is damp with dew
And the days warm slowly.

Somehow time simultaneously seems to speed up and slow down.

And the squirrel and chipmunk spirit in me starts to harvest and collect,
To store.
And to find a cozy place to hunker down for the winter.

All of my clothes seem to thicken
And to be put on in layers.

The colors on the trees all starts to turn warm and vibrant
Before jumping blindly
And flutter to the ground below-
The ground below,
Waiting patiently for a crunchy blanket.

And as the season winds on
And continues to shift
The leaves decay,
leaving behind the sweet smell
Of rich,

It is the season,
The time of year.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Where the monks live up on the mountain

When for (one of many) spontaneous drives in Woodstock. Ended up going up a mountain road and found a zen monastery! There were colorful prayer flags everywhere, even lining a path titled the "dharma path". At the end they had decorated a tree that was near a pond. Have I mentioned that I love it here?

It's heaven to me

So here we are! We made it to NY, came in early to enjoy a day or two exploring the area. I love it here, I think I could live here and I always feel at home when we get here!

Last night we found a beautiful spot on the side of a back road next to a river (and you can bet I collected both pockets FULL of beautiful river stones to crochet!). This morning we woke up to some beautiful dewey nature art. The fog was rolling in, couldn't even see the mountains and you could see the spiders had been busy in the night decorating the delicate skeletons of queen Ann's lace.

I really do love it so much, I think I want to stay.
Feeling a bit dreamy today.
Like my body has been invaded by some unearthly spirit and I don't really have to worry about thinking, I can just sit back and smile.
I think this is going to be my new goal.
To find a way to be purely and honestly happy...

Thursday, September 15, 2011


(click HERE)

Some color!!!
I have been in search of colored thread for a while now
and finally found some to my likings!

I am so excited about these new crocheted necklaces,
not only are the colors new,
but I have put them on faux leather chord to really make the color POP!
Plus the chord is adjustable.
It's all about versatility, right?!?

Anyway, now I have the ability to reflect the season, mood, or day when making these amazingly colorful adornments.
What do you think?

And as always, all of the beach stones are collected locally!
Check out more of my etsy store here.

The truth.
There has been quite a bit of sadness and heartache around these parts lately.
I am trying to find a way to see the positive side to any sad situation,
I would like to find some lightness,
but sometimes, one just needs to cry...
Or the sea...

What makes you happy?
Ocean music.

(you may have to turn the sound up to hear the sound of the water... so soothing!)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This time of year is such an amazingly vibrant and enjoyable time here in New England. The colors in the landscape are amazing: green, gold, rust, fuchsia... And I can't seem to get enough of my favorite beach (although, sadly, I haven't been there a whole lot lately)! It's great, the smell of fall is in the air, crisp, cool nights, sunny and warm days, and the water was wonderful today!!!

A little sneak peak of what's new...

Friday, September 9, 2011

"Never grow a wishbone, daughter, where your backbone ought to be."
-Clementine Paddleford

I woke up to find this posted on Facebook this morning (thank you Andrea Graham). I can't even begin to describe how meaningful and perfect of a quote it is for me at the moment. I think I had the two misplaced. Now, this quote helped me snap them back into place.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Look what came in the mail the other day!
I have been in search of very fine colored thread for awhile now...
I am so excited to play!

Friday, September 2, 2011

a GIVEAWAY!!! (finally!)

I am finally having a giveaway.
I have been meaning to do this for a while now,
it is long overdue!

To enter this giveaway just go to the Little Owl Arts fan page of facebook
and click the 'like' button for this photo.
That is all.
Easy peasy, right!?

Ok, go click now!

Spent the day yesterday dying silk in preparation for some new nuno felting. Silk is tricky because the color can "slip" meaning that you might not get what you are looking for. Plus I have been trying to use the least toxic dyes I can. My next focus is to try some more natural dying... I just harvested some more elderberries and have a TON of goldenrod. I premordanted some silk in alum and can't wait to play. I saw a woman at the beach yesterday morning making some bundles she hopes to have imprint. Maybe I will bring my silk down this a.m. and give it a try!

Have you been playing around with any new projects lately?