Saturday, October 30, 2010

A little of this and a little of that...

So I finally got an external hard drive which means I can back up all my photos and reinstall the program and I will once again be able to upload picture!
Now I just have to do it, ha ha!

Anyway, what are you all doing for halloween?
I am not sure what we are doing yet,
we were invited to a party, but I am not sure if we will make it.
I live a few towns away from the famous Salem, Ma. where all of the witch trials were and we have friends that are coming down to go check it out.
It isn't my favorite place to be for halloween,
lots of crazy people live there normally and then for this holiday everyone comes out,
but it can be fun!
I still have to think of a costume though.
I am not really into dressing up,
I don't know why, it is strange.
Are you dressing up?
What are you going to be?
Hope you all have loads of FUN!

Oh, and don't forget about the GIVEAWAY!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Tea Party GIVEAWAY!, originally uploaded by Little Owl Arts.

Because I LOVE tea, and am slightly obsessed with teacups and teapots, I thought it would be nice to offer these two lovely, hand painted teacups! I found these last year at the flea market I frequent. I will choose a winner Friday, Nov. 5.
How to enter:
-Be a follower of le Blog. Leave a note saying so.
-Reblog or tweet and get a second entry. Just make sure to leave a link.
-Tell me what your favorite kind of tea is! (this also is a seperate entry)
Good luck!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Soggy Day

I love this photo.

I had an idea for a story about a wolf who falls in love with a human girl...
That one is still on the back burner though.

It is soggy here today
and although I love a good rainy day, I am having a hard time focusing and finding my motivation.
So frustrating!
oh well, maybe I should do some cleaning/organizing to help refocus myself.
I'm off...

Monday, October 25, 2010


The temperature is so beautiful today!
60 degrees in late October is not bad for New England!
Ok, now that I am home from my errand running and business meeting, I am trying to be productive...
My intention is to be working on some more felted owls and mermaids for an order, but I just found myself indulging in all the lovely blogs that I both do and don't follow.
It is so easy to get carried away!
Anyways, this is a bit random, but I love bats and think they are so cute!

Not to mention that I live by vernal ponds which equals mosquito madness in the warmer seasons!
So it is needless to say that I am very thankful for all of the bats that live around us and swoop around filling their bellies in the twilight and dark hours.

Also, I really want to have chickens!
How cute is this little fluff-ball?

alexandraintheforest:  my man and one of our new baby chickens.

And the man is pretty easy on the eyes too (*wink*)!

Hope you all are having a lovely afternoon!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

love love love

I don't think I can say how much I love this scarf and how beautiful this girl is!

What a Day...

I had such an awful day yesterday.
I am sorry to be so negative, but I am so tired of having the same fight over and over again.
I won't get into major detail but,
it has been almost 6 years that we have been together and while there are many parts that have gotten better,
this one fight keeps happening.
It isn't even really about anything in particular, but it always escalates and it is really stupid!
I am getting really tired of it.
It makes me so mad.
I feel like I can't communicate and it makes me want to be as far away as possible from him.
But yesterday was just awful and now I am really wondering if this is a relationship I even want to be in.
It makes me really sad and I feel like I can't think straight.
Some days I just don't know what to do.
Sorry for the rant, hope you are all having a better day than I have been having...
I am going to go try to get myself out of this funk.
This is kinda cute and I adore snoopy:

Sunday, October 17, 2010

home from the white mountains

Isn't this place neat?
Not sure what is in the bottles...

So I feel like it has been a while since I posted last and I kinda feel like I say that at the beginning of every post now...
I have been busy trying to make things for the upcoming craft/holiday fairs I am vending at.
Also, I spent a couple of days helping my mom "clean out" the family place in the white mountains.
It is something she had been wanting to do for a while.
It is an A-frame that my grandparents had build probably about 50+ years ago/
We would go there every weekend growing up for vacation or skiing...
But now that my grandfather and father have passed (they loved it up there)
it has been harder for us to get up there.
So my mom thought that it would be good to try to rent it so it wouldn't have to be sold...
My grandmother hates it there and really wants to just get rid of it and it is starting to look like that might be the case.
When we got there, we realized how much work it would need to be rentable.
Not that it is a total dump or anything,
but it just needs more to be put into it than can be afforded.
So it was emotional and frustrating.
But by the time I left it was cleaner (we threw out A LOT!).
Still, it is kind of sad.
There are a whole lot of memories there...
Part of me would be really sad to see it sell, but I can't seem to make it up there much and neither does anyone else.
So we will see...

How was your weekend?
Did you do anything fun?
(you know, more fun than cleaning out an old house, ha ha ha!)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Gloucester Sunset

Gloucester Sunset, originally uploaded by Little Owl Arts.

I am still so amazed constantly by nature...

I love these socks!

I think I have posted this photo before, and I think I found it somewhere on,
but I can't quite remember...
I LOVE these socks and wish I was a talented enough knitter to make them!
Maybe one day.
Until then I am going swoon over these ones!
Have a lovely afternoon!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010


I adore this photo... The dress, the color of the dress, the tattoos, the positioning.

A comfy place to laze...

Friends to lean on.

A carefree afternoon!

Enjoy your evening!

What's wrong with our food?

With all of the crap out there in the markets,
and advertising being a corporate scandal,
it is so important to know where your food comes from.
Even organic can be a joke.
Get to know your local farms and farmers,
support local,
not only is it good for you,
but it is also good for your community,
and economy!

This little man seems to know what it is all about!


It is 11:11
Has anyone else ever noticed that they look at the clock at certain reoccurring times?
I seem to always be looking at 11:11
or 12:21
0r 2:22
I wonder what it means?

Beautifully Haunting

I think that this photo is beautifully haunting.
It is almost translucent, or invisible, but the image is there in the darkness.